Managing partner

Boris Kolmakov, CPA/CFF, CGMA, CITP
Boris has Expert technical knowledge of Investments Consulting and Financial Markets having worked in this field for over 27 years. He has over 20 years of professional accounting experience as a forensic accountant focusing on dispute resolution, expert testimony, investigations and disputes across Europe, Asia and the United States.
With over 20 years of experience, Mr Kolmakov is also known for leading complex many-handed accounting investigations and asset recovery matters. He has led accounting and compliance investigations on both sides of the Atlantic. In Central Europe, Mr Kolmakov acted as an expert in a high-profile failed investment scheme, while in the Russian Federation he has carried out a number of wide-ranging investigations of accounting irregularities on behalf of non-resident companies, insurers and investors.
Key roles have included Senior Director in Alvarez&Marsal (Moscow, Russia, London, UK) and Partner in EY (Moscow, Russia, Amsterdam. the Netherlands) responsible for forensic and litigation support services in CIS and Baltic states.
Boris has also been engaged as an High Level Expert in drafting the legislation, related to implementation of Basel Committee regulations, IFRS , investment and mutual funds regulation as well as the legislation related to financial markets turnaround and bankruptcy proceedings .
His experience of international arbitration covers ICC, LCIA, ICAC(also known under its Russian acronym MKAS) rules as well as ad hoc and specialist centres such as London, Stockholm and Vienna. He has acted as party-appointed expert in team of experts on over 30 matters over the past ten years in different roles included considerations of quantum, valuation, compliance and the accounting treatment of complex transactions under international, US GAAP, UK FRC AS, HK GAAP and Russian Accounting Standards and Principles.